Friday, April 29, 2011

College Bound!

So I have approximately 3 weeks left of High School and about 5 months left with most of my friends, family, and swim career.
I'm dead set on my college of choice University of California Merced. After getting accepted there as well as several tours, shadowing, and spending a night there I made my choice. What's even greater, I've got three of my best friends since grade school coming along with me! And another one is going to a University just an hour away.
My High School grades are great and I'm for sure graduating.
Wow... High School, well.... Life in general is just speeding by...

Really High School, you've been great and I've gotten many great friends and memories out of you, and I'll miss you in due time, but I'm totally ready too ready for college!

Only gripes I have going to college:
  • Smaller room and no more comfy bed at home -____- (That place has been like my throne)
  • No awesome home cooking.... Well time to get my body ready for a lot of cafeteria food and Hot Pockets XP. Thank goodness there's a gym.
  • Ending of my swim career. There's no swim team or pool at the University... I've been swimming for 10 years, all of those under a club with the final four with High School as well, so it's going to be tough parting from competitive swimming.
  • Parting from 90% of my friends. Besides the ones coming with me distance is going to make it tough from me seeing a lot of my friends... That's going to be tough.
  • Parting from my family. My family can be annoying at times and I can get sick of them. But I'm definitely going to miss their company and having that parental guidance at times. 
No worries though I'll cope with all the bad things and I'll still be able to come back and visit everyone. It's not like I've been stranded on Mars.

Man but all this freedom of leaving the nest called Home...
High School prepared me for college.
College is preparing me to be somebody!
A phase of my life is ending and a new one is beginning. I'm definitely excited, World here I come!

1 comment:

  1. Don't sweat about the friends thing. For the last 6-7 years of my life I haven't been able to be with the same friends for more than 2 years. You'll more likely than not meet a heap of cool new people.

    Good luck, anyhoo.
