Thursday, March 17, 2011

So Why I've been Missing in Action for awhile

So basically I've been rather absent for what feels like the last few months because of school. I really have no idea why....

So I finally have time to get back on blogger so I'll just break down on what I've done over the past few months in a rather long list:
  • A ton of schoolwork
Oh what? That's not a long list? Well let's just say all this work has kept me from taking any pictures with my camera, has prevented me from thinking anything random that's blog worthy, has kept me up until 3am each night, has driven me pretty crazy, kept me on a quick diet of tea and hot pockets, and overall has me exhausted and tired on the weekend.

So that's my ranting, but here's my optimistic rant(?).

I finally have a four day weekend so I have a moment to blog, obviously.
Prom's coming up and finding a date, no worries at all.
Work has finally been dwindling and I'm almost done with my ultra-mega-alpha-prime economic project.
I've been getting sleep.
Daylights savings has been making the days sunnier.
There's more sunny days and no more depressing rain.
And finally, I'm just a happier person because I'm graduating in about 2 months woot!

So that's what I've been up to. I'll try getting more content on my blog and also a writer is interested in putting content on this blog and I'm currently communicating with them on it.


  1. Well, I'm glad everything's going well for you. Good luck for the whole graduation and such!

  2. Thanks Sami! Ya it's so close to smooth sailing on school work and spring break is coming up!
