Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How I Judge a Person

Call me Professor Higgins from Pygmalion but I really judge people by the way they speak and the content.

My first impression of a person is really based on the way they speak to me the first time I meet them. You speak ghetto to me you're halfway down the road to me thinking you're worthless trash.
So you're probably thinking I'm being a jerk, racist, whatever. Continuing on... the usual subjects of a person's conversations are also what I judge them on. If all you speak about is sex, drugs, and gossip then you're trash to me. If you're speaking about Quantum Physics, life, and something actually intellectual my opinion about you will change, but I'll still be skeptical.

The one thing that pisses me off about society today is how so many people are speaking like a idiot. Really whoever speaks ghetto, can't keep a decent conversation, and is about to become an adult is complete TRASH, ya I said it,TRASH.

I can give you a billion reasons why I think that, but here's the main ones.

-You're a friggin adult
It's time to stop acting like a child who can't complete his sentences correctly. You may think it's cute or cool when the rest of us think so you're just being obnoxious and immature.
-No one in the professional world will find potential in you.

If you want a nice job there's no way any employer will take you seriously. Why you ask? Just by speaking ghetto and slang you're telling your employer something about yourself:
  • You're not hard-working because you're not even willing to work on your grammar.
  • Clearly all your English teachers have failed to reach you so how can they
  • There's nothing professional about you. period.
So what about the rich people like 50 cent and Eminem who speak all ghetto?
Yes I can see the hole in my argument, but guess what they just got lucky. Yes they had talent, but they don't have the education to filter it properly.

Let's see..... 50 Cent got shot several hundred times and is one of the beacons in decreasing the I.Q. of the U.S. population just by listening to his music.

And Eminem he's having issues an all he can even sing about is his wife problems, his daughters, and how his life is a big mess BOO HOO go to Africa, the Middle East, and Japan. Your problems aren't worth shit compared to what someone else in the world is going through if you're going to sing about someone stop singing about yourself it sounds nice at first, but then it's just pitiful.

So you may think I'm a jerk burning on people like this, but really I don't see anything productive coming out of being ghetto especially people who act that way. Whether you're poor, rich, black, asian, white or whatever no one should act like this. There's nothing cool about it and it'll take you down a horrible road that may seem nice at first, but quickly turns to crap.

So really all I'm ranting about is I pity our society to change from idolizing gangs, rappers (though not all are bad), sex, and drugs to actually becoming someone and unique in a good way.

1 comment:

  1. You're too late. The internet has already been invented.

    LOL. Seriously though, I think what you're talking about is a real small percentage of the world's population. Sure, a lot of kids are speaking what you call "ghetto", but that's because they don't understand mature language. And, when I talk about the internet, what I mean is that a lot of people are actually showing how unique and all they are, what with uploading videos, blogs, stuff like that.

    And, personally, I can understand that some people just like acting like that. Y'know, for no reason. Like how some people really want everything clean or something like that. This is really all a matter of opinion.

    But hey, I don't really know. Maybe that's just what you've experienced, or what you're ticked off about right now. I haven't really seen much "ghetto" except for on TV, so I probably don't have the same point of view as you. And anyway, this is a blog. Express your opinion, that's what it's for.

